Hurrah For Mark
Well there we have it, our new logo. I'd love to take credit for it but that has to go to matey Mark Galley who very kindly took some time out to design it.
Cheers pal.
Well there we have it, our new logo. I'd love to take credit for it but that has to go to matey Mark Galley who very kindly took some time out to design it.
Cheers pal.
Kick started by
6:30 am
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Another fine day of weather has led to another half day off work and an enjoyable ride into the Shropshire countryside to take a peep at things that once flew.
The museum at RAF Cosford is home to around 70 aircraft. As well as war planes, there's also a great collection of missiles, some transportation and a who pile of research and development malarkey. All of which is totally free, and that includes the Cold War Museum (More of that later). There's also a shop on site and a cafe of which I haven't tested. Sat outside with a drink, I had the pleasure of a couple of jet planes thrusting up on the runway, the sound of which is far sexier than a motorcycle... unless of course the motorcycle is powered by a jet engine.
A Spitfire
A Tornado
Hawker Hind. Light bomber 1935-1943
Yokosuka Ohka single seat rocket powered suicide attack aircraft. This was primarily used against ships. The plane would be flown to the target area on the belly of a larger plane and then dropped. The pilot with the death wish would glide it in the general direction of the target, then when nearing, spark up the rocket engine and attempt to crash into the enemy.
British Aircraft Corporation TSR 2
As well as the original museum, 2007 saw the opening of the fantastic Cold War Museum.
This award winning shiny silver thing harbours the Cold War exhibition.
Handley Page Victor
What appeared to be a television company were on site doing a spot of filming (see above photo above left mirror). I would just like to apologise for firing Winnie up mid film and no doubt causing retake number 37.
Kick started by
8:34 am
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Yesterday, with the weather being dry, bright and positively spring like, I decided it was about time, and long overdue for my first proper jangle of the year. So, after 'chucking a lovely' from work I donned myself with a helmet, leathers, gloves and a full tank of fuel and cruised the grand total of five miles (Yes you did read that right) to Letocetum, known nowadays as Wall.
It's strange how I've lived around here most of my life yet never bothered to visit this sizeable chunk of Roman rubble until now. Or is it strange? Here's one for you... I love Burger King, yet when there was a BK restaurant five minutes from my house I never bothered eating there. Come to think about it, nor did anyone else, which is probably why it eventually closed down. Anyway, I digress. Wall was a small Roman town on Watling Street (A5), which was the principal road from London to Wroxeter, near present-day Shrewsbury. Archaeologists have managed to unearth, surprise surprise, a bathhouse and what was once a large, probably two storey building with a courtyard that was likely to have been some kind of hostel for travellers; this, according to the plaque was called a Mansio.
The grassy area was once the hot room in the bathhouse
More of the bathhouse complex
I can't remember what this bit was......
.....Nor this bit
The Mansio courtyard
The Mansio, or rather what's left of it
The site is managed by the National Trust and is totally free to enter. It also has a museum but it was closed when I was there.
In accordance with me getting my bike out the garage it eventually decided to rain when I was on my way home. Luckily for me though, I managed to find shelter in a drinking establishment until things brightened up a bit.
Kick started by
7:49 am
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Dean has gone and bought himself another R1. Obviously not content with his 2007 black version, he's swapped it for something that resembles a pizza.
In all fairness though, it's a fantastic looking bike. The paint job has been done by Yamaha as a special. It's a replica of the one off paint job Valentino Rossi had at last years MotoGP in Assen. The Flying Pizza came from CMC in Cannock which I can thoroughly recommend as a dealership if you happen to be in the market for a new bike..... or a cholesterol laden takeaway.
Kick started by
7:47 am
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Our mate Duncan is probably the biggest moaning old git you'll ever meet in your life. Everything and anything winds him up. Trust me on this (One of his favourite sayings), you wouldn't want him as your neighbour. The other day whilst going off on one he pipes up with the comment, "I never get stressed." After staring with our mouths wide open in disbelief for several minutes we convinced him to repeat his statement in front of the cameras.
Kick started by
10:09 am
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