Monday, October 16, 2006


Oh Dear Mick what have you done, this could become competitive:

Very astute young lady!

Tried to beat my score and ended up with this:

Posted by Matt (Joey)


Anonymous said...

Not boasting or anthing but ive got 276.3 (with pics to prove it!!) and i agree.....its going to get competetive.....

Anonymous said...

again.... not bragging but.....300.1 with a very nice picture for proof!!!!!! do i win a prize?? ha ha..

Anonymous said...

I've got photo proof of a 292.4. Sorry Ant, no prize, the competition isn't over yet.

Anonymous said...

Yeeeee Haaaaaa, 300.3 is the one to beat boys and girls. Now that I'm in the lead for the moment I can get on with some work. (and yes I've got the photo)