The Bed Spring League
Our guestbook seems to have gone a bit wayward and I'm starting to think we're running a dating agency instead of a bike blog so I've nominated myself as; a) The Chief of Jangle Police, and B) The Love Doctor, and with my new found authority I've ingeniously formulated a plan.
Whilst the Jangle Team head out on bike rides and along the way review cafes, pubs, etc, Ray and BLSB can go on their own rides and review hotels and B&B's instead and we'll enter their findings and "experiences" in a new section entitled "The Bed Spring League".
Sheer brilliance I know, I take a bow!!
Posted by Mike
I am impressed Mike, I applied for the postion of merchandise model and end up testing bed springs and therein lies the problem.... Ray hasn't posted a picture of himself and I'm not sure of his age or physical ability to test bed springs but all is not lost... You're a very sexy looking guy, Mike, so how about you show some real interest in what is goin on here and set the test standard with me? (paddock stands are not part of my repertoire)
Fanny, I like the cut of your jib, reverse the tables, give me the riding crop and we've got a deal.
If you pair (Ray and BLSB)want to exchange photos, email them over to, I'm sure we'd all like to see a bit of Fanny.
I've had a dreaful nights sleep. I wandered off to bed around eleven, picked up The Long Way Round which I'm reading for the second time, and after a half hour or so my eyes started to close and I realised I handn't absorbed any of the last five pages. So, with the book placed on my bedside cabinet and the light turned off, I shut my eyes and drifted into a state of almost unconciousness. And that's the trouble... "almost". One o'clock came and went, two o'clock passed in much the same way and by three o'clock I was out of bed and sat in the lounge with the TV on. By about four o'clock my eyes were shutting again so I ventured back to bed. And guess what? I managed to see five o'clock, six o'clock and seven. By this time I gave up trying to sleep. I know what you're thinking, that something was obviously playing on my mind, maybe work issues, maybe the realisation that I need to go to the eye hospital to get something removed from my eyeball that got lodged in there on our ride to Aberystwyth, maybe female troubles, who knows? There wasn't anything obvious. So alas I made myself a cup of coffee and waited for the bath to fill up. With said bath run I promptly jumped in, slouched down and shut my eyes for ten minutes..... Then, as if every lightbulb in my brain had been switched on all at the same time, it hit me like a ten ton hammer, I sat bolt upright with the stark realisation of the cause of my sleepless night.
WHAT THE.... I CAN'T go bed spring testing, no way, I can't waste valuable bike riding time. I have ride outs to do, ride outs that will enrich my sole and keep my passion for motorbikes burning strong in my heart, and I have cafes to eat at, cafes which will further expand my portly stature and keep my stomach glowing with warm contentment!!!
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